Structure of States

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In this section, we would love to introduce the structure of states. It will not focus on a specific country. But, rather try to bring the fundaments of institutions found in most countries. For example, you will find the branches of government here.


So what is diplomacy, and what are its goals? The word has roots in ancient Greek. "Diplōma " means "an object folded in two." That refers to the ...

Electoral System

An electoral system or voting system is a method of how elections run - how they are organized. It must set a number of rules. For example, how and...

Intelligence Agencies

Intelligent agencies are a part of the secret services of a country. Hence, they are governmental agencies. The primary purpose of such agencies...

Local Government

What is a local government, and what are its roles? It would be very inefficient and ineffective to control everything from a central government....

Party System

The party system describes how political parties work in the state. It defines the roles, relationships, relevance, sizes of the parties, and more....

Political Parties

Did you ever wonder what is the purpose of political parties? Or when they first emerged, and what defines them? Lastly, what do political parties...

Rule Of Law

The rule of law is a system of principles ensuring a just society and order within the state. This phrase or concept is typical for Anglo-American...

Separation Of Power

There are three sections of power in a state. They are called the three branches of government. The separation of power is crucial to maintain a...


What is sovereignty? It is perhaps the single most crucial aspect of a state. A sovereign state has supreme authority over its territory. Besides,...


What does suffrage mean? The etymology explains it all. In Latin, the word “suffragium”  means ballot, vote, or right to vote. Hence, suffrage is ...